Solo Hot Deals (HD)
Due to demand, we are bringing back our HOT DEALS. These are often last minute deals with fabulous savings on Single Supplements or they may be a short term promotion to stimulate forward sales. Either way, they will not have a very long validity so be sure to check regularly and make some quick decisions if you see something you like. If we see some interest in a particular short term Hot Deal, then we will include it in one of our weekly mailers to see if we can get a small group of our members to join together.
Getaway for Christmas Cruise from Taiwan to Singapore on a once-in-a-lifetime holiday on Norwegian Spirit. In Hualien, tour ancient temples,...
Unbelievable Europe River Solo Deals here/Slashed again on last minute availability. Must book by 31 August 2024
Upcoming River Cruise departures have been slashed once again. These are the best solo deals seen in a long time....
Finally some fabulous options for Solo Cruisers! The best experiences last a lifetime – solo travel is one of them....